










Big warm congratulations to JPHMA for reaching your 10th anniversary and for your success in establishing homeopathy in Japan.

For all of you involved in homeopathy you are aware of the obvious benefits to patients using homeopathy as a safe and effective therapeutic intervention but it is of course part of the bigger holistic health movement. A movement that is bringing greater awareness of the importance of connections; between humans and their environment, between mind, body and spirit, and greater awareness of the healing capacity of the human being.

There have been and will continue to be opposition to the growth of homeopathy but through the work of the JPHMA inspired by Torako Yui you are succeeding in establishing homeopathy on a professional footing so that it will not only be available to those of us that currently benefit but will continue to grow and benefit those not yet fortunate enough to have been exposed to the philosophy, medicines and practitioners of homeopathy.

Society is changing and the principles of energy medicine are being rediscovered and demonstrated by many orthodox scientists, individuals are reclaiming their right to self-empowerment and by establishing homeopathy in Japan, many other practitioners and individuals promoting holism will also benefit from the experience of JPHMA and will be encouraged by the work of your officers, practitioners and members.

With humility we can also acknowledge that consciousness is changing, with or without homeopathy, so that we can also take heart and be courageous in our work, knowing that homeopathy’s time has come, that the only approval we need is our own and that with your efforts in JPHMA and commitment to the guiding principles of homeopathy you can only grow from strength to strength.

Having practiced and lectured in many other countries I am truly impressed with the achievements in Japan, so I would like to end by saying well done in accomplishing so much in such a short space of time, I look forward to what you can achieve in the future.

Love, health and continued success to all
Trevor Gunn

Trevor Gunn
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